it's a miracle

>> Saturday, March 15, 2008 baby crawls! I'm at peace...he will be able to read now (who started that rumor anyway). 11 months and just barely crawling...oh well...better late than never...

Do you remember my posts just two posts ago about him army crawling, scooting, and rolling to get to where he wants to go? NO MORE...he started crawling two days ago. I wish he weren't mobile...I liked him stuck in one place.

Ok...I am leaving town from Sunday to Wednesday for a photography convention in Las Vegas...YIPEE!!! So, unless by some miracle Travis decides to post, I will catch up with you all later next week!

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Joab Meyer 10:21 PM  

have travis blog about you dog while you are gone. Have a great time!

Laurel 10:42 PM  

Way to go Isaac! What a handsome little crawler guy!

Joy 11:10 PM  

Yay yay! Congratulations Isaac! Now the real fun begins...

Roger That 4:31 PM  

What! Your leaving town! I just got back from LAS and was so excited to get together. Have fun. I got a tan and the sun was great therapy.
Congrats to Isaac! I understand your emotions exactually. Joni was also 11 mo. and I was nervous...she was also our first so that makes everything X 10. Call me when you get back:)

Cathy Duffy 1:09 PM  

i'm sure your excited for him to walk for now... wait till he gets into EVERYTHING!!! is travis taking care of all 3 kids while you are gone?? how fun for you!!!

Jen Petty 8:09 PM  

Isaac just does things on his own time table. Have fun in Vegas!

Julie Barb 6:41 PM  

Now the real fun that he's moving, he'll be into everything and you'll wish he wasn't crawling again! he he

Brett and Meredith 2:57 PM  

If it makes you feel any better, Hannah didn't crawl until 11 months either, and then walked a few later...she is the best little reader now! So, Isaac hasn't missed much...

Have fun at the convention--sounds wonderful!

Danny, Andrea, Connor and Lizzie 9:39 PM  

Look at talented little jet setting photographer! You amaze me. You find something you want to do, go after it, and then become the best at it! Your awesome. Hmmm...No updates from Travis...I'm excited to hear about Vegas.

Sara/Megan 4:45 AM  

I love looking at all of your cute photos. You are so talented. I can't believe how big your kids are getting.

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