
>> Monday, February 25, 2008

Forget family life for one post...let's talk TV.

Ok, so I am not much of a TV watcher, but there are two shows that I like...well, that I love...OK, that I am OBSESSED with. Those shows would be American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. Of course, everyone knows what American Idol is, but do any of you watch So You Think You Can Dance (it is on the summer) is the best show EVER.

Anyway, since Travis does not share my American Idol obsession...he actually detests it...then I must find others who like it! Are any of you watching it this season? It's still kind of early for me to choose favorites, but I've got my eye on a few of them. How do you choose...there are so many good ones! By the way...did you know that these two...Brooke White and David Archuleta...are mormons? They are both really good! you know I am an American Idol groupie. I'm not ashamed.


Carrie 7:52 AM  

So we assumed Brooke was a mormon, but not sure about David. So do you know? Or are assuming like we are because David is from Utah and Brooke is a goody-two-shoes?

Anonymous 11:00 AM  

so you think you can dance is my fave, rand even likes it!

The Oylers 11:21 AM  

Don't be ashamed. I know that Stacy and her family and my mom are huge "So you think you can dance watchers." In our house we do watch American Idol. Just don't tell Travis because I think lose like 5 "man points" for watching it (ha ha). Anyway, I read an article in the Deseret News on Brooke & David's mormonism. Plus they are really good, so it gives us a little extra to cheer for. Anyway, you are not alone.

Jen Petty 12:44 PM  

We like to tune in too... Eric probably likes it more than I do... Maybe because he's more musical. We think David especially has a good chance.

Mickey Family 7:11 PM  

LOL! We watch it,too. Don't be ashamed! AI gets more votes than presidential races so there's a lot more people watching than maybe admitting to it! I do like the 2 you mentioned and have a couple others I like,too. Haven't watched the Dance show.

Anonymous 8:02 PM  

Ok so my life consists of three things right now! My sick pregnancy that makes me not want to do anything but lounge around, food (which by the way usually sounds nasty), and American Idol! Dont worry, but as you can see American Idol seems to be the highlight of my week, I love it! I dont know if your that obsessed but what the heck I thought I would make you feel better about your obsession!

Roger That 4:32 AM  

I also loved so you think you can dance. I have to say I have not got into american idol this many other shows. My favorite is Lost, of course!

Roger That 4:32 AM  

I also loved so you think you can dance. I have to say I have not got into american idol this many other shows. My favorite is Lost, of course!

Bonnie 7:56 AM  

hey i'm with ya...I'm totally a fan and I love those 2!

Sherwoods 9:32 AM  

We haven't really watched it this season. Is that the girl who said that she had never watched an R rated movie during tryouts? If so, We automatically assumed she was. Maybe we will have to start watching it now!

Lindsay 10:32 AM  

Jean can I come move by you so that we can watch "So you think you can dance?" We'll take pictures too and you can be my mentor!!....You know that one of my first memories of you is at Kim Carvers dance studio. You were the tall skinny blonde with perfect to love it!!

Joy 11:54 AM  

I love that you love these shows! We tend to watch towards the end when there are only a few left. I know, we suck.

Stacy 12:21 PM  

Hey Jean,
Yes, Yes, Yes...Nathan and I are huge fans of "So you think you can dance"! We look forward to summer for that reason. It's sooooo good. We keep hoping the tour will come to Utah someday so we can see the show. Anywho...not huge fans of ai, but we still watch. Just thought I'd let you know.

Rieck Family 7:45 AM  

You're so funny! We love AI, but we would choose SYTYCD any day!!! Um, we are just selling our house to move to somewhere different in St. George. We are not moving out of St. George!!

GarrGroup 3:18 PM  

As I have already American Idol. Bella is dreaming about it if that tells you anything about our obsession!

Amy & Greg 2:20 PM  

Okay, I thought I had the mormons picked out. I heard they were on there (which has increased my interest) and have tried to pick them out. Very cool! I love "So you think you can dance" but can't ever watch it because of mutual on Wednesdays. The sacrifices we make! :O)

Kelli 2:57 PM  

Jean, I just happened upon your blog, and had to comment...I LOVE So you Think You Can Dance! It's on tonight, in fact, and I'll be watching!

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