>> Friday, May 15, 2009
two horridly swollen stumps with vienna sausage toes attached to equally horrid cankles+ one severely pinched sciatic nerve
+ larger than life belly
+ not enough time to get everything done before baby comes
= a grumpy jean
only 31 more days
+ two centimters dilated
= a bit happier jean
and THAT my friends, is the status around our house. you caught me on an off day...
Oh I'm right there with you! I can't believe we are due just a few days apart. I'm miserable and grumpy too. Hang in there!!! We're almost there (even though it feels forever away).
Oh my, your feet look so uncomfortable. Been there!! Luckily you are almost done, and that is fabulous!
I seriously LOVE that you posted that picture. That is fabulous... who painted your toenail for you? I can't reach mine by about the fifth month. Yay for only another month! Can not wait to meet baby Smith!
I can't imagine you grumpy!!! I'm sure you are still lots of fun to be around!! Cute toenails!! I bet you are super almost get to find out what the next smith addition is!!! Luv, Staci
oh man!!!! you poor thing!!! I can hardly wait for you to have that baby girl in your arms! ;)
poor little Jean with her vienna sausage toes.
At least your cankles will go away in about a month. I'm stuck with mine forever - dang genetics :) Keep us posted on the baby news - we're so excited for you!! Maybe this baby will come 2 weeks early like Kaleb!
For being "OFF" your spritis seem to be "ON". I can't wait to see those lovely cankles next week!
Oh Jean! Look on the bright side, it's sandal season and at least those toes are well manicured.
You did NOT get permission to post a picure of my legs...oh wait...those are my legs, arent' they? I didn't realize you had "off" days. I thought those were only make-believe in the celebrity lifestyle.
All I can say is... I feel your pain!
this little piggy went to....ohhh wait sorry! No seriously you should have seen mine with the twins...they looked like two hoagies with little jelly-bean toes!! hang in there...this too shall better! Oh and why are we using food as analogies?
you are too cute :)
I think your twinkle toes are to cute. Hey, at least there not cheeto toes.... Right?
I am soooooo excited for you!!! Did I mention that I am so happy that I am not prego anymore? Love those piggies :)
Holy Cow...this is your fourth. Have your ankles ever looked like that before? I wish I could rub them for you. So excited though. Being dilated to a 2 is no big thing, I never got past a 2 with any of mine. Loves!!!
You poor thing! The end is in sight! Can't wait!
Hey Jean, I dreamed last night that you had a beautiful little girl. I just thought I'd tell you. :)
No you are not going crazy! We were in NJ for almost a year for training, in April the boys and I went to AZ for Owen to finish school in the states and Nick has been in Puerto Rico. We will join him at the end of next week. We are the crazy ones!
hey, just think... in 23 more days you'll have your little GIRL and it'll be all worth it :) Yes, we are rooting for you guys to have a girl.
Who painted them...did you? Are really that flexable?? You are almost there!! So excited.. boy..girl...girl..boy..hmmm.
Oh, I am so sorry about the swelling. I hate it when that happens. Of course you look beautiful, though. Can't wait to find out what you are having--of course--you probably can't wait more!
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