giggle with me

>> Thursday, November 20, 2008

the other day, travis and i came across a forgotten folder on our computer. we opened it and just started giggling...had to share some of the gems we found...

about five years ago, travis discovered a program that i had never heard of...photoshop. yep, that's right...the same program is my best friend these days. anyway, he started playing around on this crazy new program and became obsessed with distorting our poor little family.

unfortunately, others were victims as well...his very first distortion was our good friend jason...

it's 1:30 am and i'm tired. maybe these are funnier to me because i am in sleepy land right now...

click on the image to see it bigger.


Carrie 4:57 AM  

O my gosh! Too funny. I was laughing out loud as well. Travis, you are an ugly woman!

Kirstynn Evans 5:23 AM  

OH MY GOSH! This HAS to be, BY FAR, the FUNNIEST POST I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!! Not only does it show that talent Travis possesses, but seriously, almost made me wet my pants HILARIOUS!

Nick and Maddy Winward 6:00 AM  

Those are too funny and some are disturbing! I am still giggling!

Erin Wittwer 6:30 AM  

Wow! Those are so ugly! And so dang funny!

Bonnie 8:40 AM  

Jean, those are so funny...and pretty creepy! I love them.

Allison 8:45 AM  

I laughed my butt off five years ago when I first saw those pics. and now... same reaction. Those are awesome!!!

Brett and Meredith 4:00 PM  

That definitely goes on the records of one of the best blog posts in history. Wow! You are quite talented, Travis, and I have to echo previously mentioned sentiments that you would make a really ugly girl.

Holly 9:49 PM  

Jean - you are dead meat!! Do you realize how many years I have spent trying to hide that picture of Jason only to find it hung up again every time he found it. I finally threw it away once and for all when we moved to Japan and now you have brought it back from the dead to haunt me once more. I turned on my computer this morning and there it was as my screensaver. I don't think you and Jason are allowed to "chat" anymore at 3 in the morning.

Sherry Parker 3:18 PM  

Ok that is just plain SICK!!! and where do I go to do that to various family members of mine!!! I laughed so hard....I needed that!! seriously though sick and twisted, i liked it.

Cathy Duffy 7:24 PM  

LOL! great job! I'm still giggling as I type this... :)

Joab Meyer 4:07 AM  

I am crying,,that is so funny! Travis head on you is so very pretty somehow! Crazy! VERY funny!!!!!

GarrGroup 1:41 PM  

They are super funny! And it's not even 1:30am!

Sherwoods 6:10 PM  

Wow, there are no words...

Jen Petty 6:32 PM  

I love the one of you guys in jars and the one of your family around the trees... That is just plain scary!

Julie Barb 8:24 PM  

That is seriously the funniest post I've seen in a long time!! Some of those pictures are darn freaky!!!!!

Dave and Becky 11:25 AM  

What a great post! So funny. And to think this is how it all started... You've all come a long way!

Unknown 11:59 AM  

These are way too funny! Wow, I must say that the family pic in front of the tree is really disturbing. But I would pay good money for you to do this to one of our family pics just to see husband's reaction.

Roger That 1:57 PM  

I CAN'T BELIEVE THESE! Ryan and I have been laughting so hard. Awesome post!!!

Anonymous 8:59 PM  

The couple in the gray and red sweaters are so cute. What an attractive family.

fivekidsandsomechocolate 8:51 AM  

You know some really attractive people.
I love the mixing bowl and jar photos.

Greg Giauque 7:27 PM  

I'm in tears! Very funny! Can you do me? I'll send a picture.

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