
>> Sunday, September 27, 2009

huh? what's that? you forgot i had a newborn? yeah, that's because i NEVER post any pictures! what kind of mother am i?!!? well, no fear, i'm finally getting around to it with some random pictures i took of my chubby pumpkin today...

i am SORRY, but he is freaking cute

he totally cracks me up when he is settling in for sleep. he grabs his blanket and pulls it up around his face and buries his head back and forth getting comfortable. i wanted to take some pictures while he was going through this very cute process.

oops, he spotted me

i'll sneak up here so he can't see me. dang it...little bugger found me again.
oh well, if the kid wants to perform for the camera...


Kelli Bramble 1:30 PM  

Oh my gosh, he's adorable!

Jill Oyler 3:31 PM  

I agree, he is delicious. Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie 4:11 PM  

Oh Jean, he is so cute!!

Jen Petty 6:38 PM  

He is super cute. I love those cheeks. I'm still waiting to see if Kara gets some cheeks on her. She sure eats enough to be getting some!

Sherwoods 6:56 PM  

Gee finally. He is way cute. Love the red hair. So are you guys going to meet us in Disney or what?

Kirstynn Evans 7:24 PM  

OMG... I want to eat him!

Camille 7:35 PM  

You Smiths make some cute boyz. His hair looks like it might be the color of Barrett's. I love him to pieces.

Sherry Parker 7:37 PM  

Um yeah....he is pretty much the CUTEST little chubby guy ever!!!

Holly 10:00 PM  

He really is so dang cute. Does he have red hair? I can't believe how different each of your boys look.

Kyle and Heather 10:20 PM  

He is so adorable...those moments are precious. He and Mylie FUR SURE can date! Hoov ya.

Melanie 9:50 AM  

Yeah, he's super cute.

mikkilynn 10:14 AM  

He IS really adorable, isn't he? I just hope he doesn't get a "my parents love me the least" complex since you haven't added a picture of him on the sidebar like the rest of your kids. It's okay, Beckham, Aunt Mikki loves you!

GarrGroup 3:36 PM  

I did almost forget you had a newborn. Nice to see some updated photos. Had a nice conversation with Trav the other day. Did he tell you I called, cause you were supposed to call me back! Still waiting....

Cathy Duffy 10:09 AM  

he's grown so much since our last trip!! He is soooo cute!!

Nick and Maddy Winward 7:03 PM  

What a sweetheart! He is too cute!

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